Entrada Notícias Seminário "Game over - Seminar on gambling addictions 2.0"

Seminário "Game over - Seminar on gambling addictions 2.0"

A Associação Rosto Solidário está a selecionar dois participantes para o Seminário "Game over - Seminar on gambling addictions 2.0", que terá lugar de 3 a 7 de Junho em Espanha - Cubillos del Sil.


Os participantes podem ser líderes juvenis, responsáveis, técnicos ou educadores que trabalhem com jovens em diferentes contextos, não havendo limite de idade. Os custos de viagem e alojamento são cobertos pelo programa Erasmus+.

RESUMO: Gambling has been part of our culture since the beginning of time. However, in recent years the phenomenon is experiencing great growth. As with other behaviours susceptible to abuse, the game can become pathological when its intensity and frequency reach a level capable of interfering in family, social and / or work relationships, and control is lost. Gambling is a market in strong expansion that, despite the protective regulation, stalks youth in a worrying way. With the arrival of online gaming platforms, access to betting has been increased and control capacity has been reduced, especially among youth.

From the ASPAYM Castilla y León Foundation we want to deepen the research with a seminar in which we analyse the prevalence of the game, the profiles of the players and the psychosocial characteristics that predict the start and evolution of betting games, as well as knowing the educational tools that are being used by youth workers, youth leaders and trainers to prevent this type of behaviour. The present project will also analyse the individual, social and family characteristics that explain the beginning and continuation of the betting game among youth.

Its conclusions will serve as the basis for the next phase, in which preventive interventions will be designed and implemented in the field of youth workers, youth leaders and trainers.

Os interessados devem, até 30 de Abril, enviar a sua manifestação de interesse por email (rostosolidario@eurodesk.eu) com a indicação "Game over - Seminar on gambling addictions 2.0" em assunto e indicando nome, contacto e motivação para participar no Seminário.

Até 10 de Maio a Rosto Solidário selecionará os dois participantes.

Seminário Game over - Seminar on gambling addictions 2.0